Equine Bodywork:

Bodywork session are based on stress point therapy and incorporate trigger point therapy and myofascial release.

Sessions are typically 60-75 minutes, depending on the horse’s needs and response to the therapy provided.

I am happy to work with your vet, chiro, farrier, trainer, etc. as part of a care team for your horse.

Rate: $80
This includes full body scan, sports massage therapy, activities/exercises to help the treatment “stick” between sessions, and an emailed report.

Kinesiology Taping:

Combined with Bodywork session -price reflects size of area/amount of tape used

Only Kinesiology Taping- starting at $55, includes full body palpation to help identify best applications

Kinesiology tape works by decompression of tissues and communication with the nervous system.

Rider Biomechanics Lessons:

Our head is about the same weight as a bowling ball! When your turn or tilt it, that bowling ball worth of weight goes all the way down your back and into your seat. If your head is turned too far left, for example, that decreases weight on the right seat bone. On the left circle or turn, then, your body is telling the horse they should fall out of the right side of their body. That turn to the jump, around the barrel, or 20m circle will be unbalanced. Then, as a rider, we pull more left to get where we need to be in that moment. Learn how to make yourself more symmetrical rather than pull on that left rein and your horse’s training will improve.

Unbalanced riders affects their horse’s balance. This can cause the horse to compensate for both the rider and horses’s balance and weaknesses. At best this can causes stiffness and (over time) at the worst it can cause lameness.

Rate: $55/lesson
Lessons are 50-60 minutes. Notes (and diagrams as needed) will be given at the end of the season and homework will be assigned.

Horses are hairy mirrors. If we have a hallow back or stiff shoulders or externally rotated right leg, collapsed right hip, etc. our horses will likely have those as well.

Learn what your asymmetries are and how to fix them with on and off horses exercises. Learn what your core actually is and how to use it dynamically (rather than, for example, a stationary 2 minute plank).

Biomechanics lessons include:
-Ridden exercises for the rider to become more symmetrical and/or effective with body and aids
-Ridden patterns for the horse to re-educate or strengthen key muscles for long term soundness and improved performance

Rider biomechanics lessons supplement your current training program. These lessons focus on correct muscle development for rider and horse. They can help with: finding your core, rider symmetry, hip loosening, independent seat and hands, aid refinement, and dynamic core strength.

One or two-day clinics for a barn are also offered and will include lecture/demos on the what, why, and how of biomechanics and riding.

Interested in booking a day long clinic with Kelly? Send an email inquiry on what a day or two day clinic looks like:

Same horse and rider. Both show vastly improved posture, balance, and core strength.
Better biomechanics = better performance.

These sessions are best scheduled monthly and are not a replacement for discipline specific lessons with your trainer.

Tweaking the rider’s understanding of aids and how her body can influence the horse allows the horse to carry himself better.