When the planets align...

If you were out just as sunrise started, you were treated to a lovely view. Now only was the sunrise beautiful (the picture below doesn't do it justice) but the moon was out with three planets:

the bright dot between the horizon and the moon is Venus. If you look very carefully to the right of the moon, you will see a couple of pixels that is slightly brighter than the background- that is Jupiter. Between the two would have been a reddish …

the bright dot between the horizon and the moon is Venus. If you look very carefully to the right of the moon, you will see a couple of pixels that is slightly brighter than the background- that is Jupiter. Between the two would have been a reddish dot if you were there in person (the phone camera can't capture enough light to resolve Jupiter well or Mars at all but they were there) and that is Mars. If you go out about 6:30am tomorrow,  you should be able to see the same line up again. 


Winter Wonderland!


A good day!