Serenity Farm educational resources

NEW! With the current efforts of social distancing, lessons have been suspend in order to keep you, your family and our family safe (if I get sick, who is going to care for the horses…all my horse care equipment would be covered with the virus). In an effort to:
*stay connected;
*continue to learn or review skills;
*help students work on their riding while stuck at home (even though we can’t ride, we can work on our strength and flexibility for when we do get back into the saddle);
*offer something to break up the stay at home jobs and schooling;
*and, for full transparency, to help support the horses during their non working time,
…Serenity Farm has been developing some educational videos and presentations.

We will be posting material during April and May. If there is enough interest, we may continue through the summer months, especially if the social distancing guidelines are extended.

To do this, the material will be posted on:
Serenity Farm YouTube Channel
our YouTube Channel will have access to some fun free video material, subscribe so you don’t miss anything!

Serenity Farm Instagram and Serenity Farm Facebook our Instagram and Facebook accounts are still being built but follow us in order to see what is happening around the farm!



COVID-19 causes suspended lessons