Let's not do this again....
Do you see that? I haven’t seen numbers like this since I was in central NY early February! Now, the improvement is that there isn’t 3 feet of snow also on the ground…
It was a been a rough couple of weeks weather-wise. An hour later in the morning the temperature had dropped to an actual temperate of (-15)!. This was the coldest we are supposed to get but there were a few days before this that were in the negative single digits and even colder windchills. I was thankful that our farm wasn’t part of the rolling blackouts that many parts of county experienced. That meant we could keep the water tanks heated and horses got extra meals of warm mashes…and lots of hay….so much hay! They will be fat but they have been warm and healthy digestive systems ::knock on wood::
Does anyone know of any blanket repair places? The blankets are looking a little worse for wear going into the last part of our winter….send me an email at: SerenityFarmNWA@gmail.com
Jesse looked so cute, with his extra fuzzy hair with frosted tips!
Caper had a frosted beard! He was one of the least enthusiastic horses through this round of weather. When it was snowing, he wanted in the stall…when he was in the stall he wanted out with his friends…until he got to the barn entrance and refused to move any more forward.